Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Shaelyn's visit with the Calgary Flames at the Children's Hospital

These are some of the photos taken yesterday at the Children's Hospital of my daughter Shaelyn and her brother in the background, Brendan in first photo.  This was a great moment for all of the sick children at the hospital.

It has been a very difficult time and all we hope for is a diagnosis and full recovery .  Shaelyn was admitted into the hospital three weeks ago with what we thought may be kidney stones, but was showing paralysis in her upper legs the evening of admittance.

Currently, Shaelyn is in a wheelchair with paralysis/extreme muscle weakness in the legs and has been experiencing very painful seizure type episodes.  With a 24 hour EEG test and monitoring, seizures were ruled out.  MRI's as as well as, several other diagnostic testing has been done.  These test still don't answer why and what she has been experiencing.  She suddenly lost mobility in her legs two and a half weeks ago and we are just starting to see some recovery in Physio treatments.

Thanks to all of you for your support, wishes and love during this difficult time.

Sharon & Family

1 comment:

  1. Sharon -
    So sorry to hear of your daughter's illness.
    Sending best wishes for a full & quick recovery!
    Take comfort in the fact that the Ab. Childrens' Hospital is the BEST place for her to be!! The facility and staff and programs there are beyond compare!!

    Carla Ironside


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